Bengal cat personality - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Bengal cat’s personality like?

The Bengal cat personality is extremely intelligent and active. By nature, he is a hunter who loves to play, climb and perch high. You will make him very happy by providing a cat tree and a cat wheel. You can easily teach him a lot of things, such as fetching the ball, leash training, using the toilet and he will rush to you as soon as you call him. Bengals are extremely intelligent and like to interact with others. They usually have a very happy and active personality. The exotic heritage of the Bengal can be seen in them every day in the activities they do. They are active most of the day but, they will stretch out beside you or in your lap for their naps. Some owners like to lock them safely inside at night. Most Bengals have natural love of water and are extremely playful. Their temperament has a lot to do with how they are raised that is why I raise them in my home with the family.

How is the Bengal cat with children and other animals?

Bengal cats enjoy the company of children and other animals, even dogs (my bengals would be lost without Uncle Whiskey). People who do not have children or other animals plan on getting litter mates so they can have fun and play together. As the Bengal cat has a hunting instinct, he should not be left alone with small animals like birds, guinea pigs, hamsters or small rabbits until trained to leave them well alone.

How do I go about introducing my new kitten to other pets??

I recommend Jaxon Galaxy for some You Tube videos to watch on this topic. He is a cat behaviourist and has a wealth of knowledge on this subject.

The  main thing is to introduced them very slowly. Give your kitten somewhere safe it can retreat to like a carry cage and let it go its own pace. Give your kitten some time without your other animals in the house to explore its new surroundings. Cats rely a lot on smell so if you have some blankets/toys that smell like your existing pet let the kitten have them first so it can used to their smell. In no time your bengal will be the master of the house!!

Are Bengals affectionate/cuddly?

As with any animal they all have individual traits and personalities. Some love to be picked up and cuddled and some don't. I do ask people to remember Bengals are part wild cat and in the wild the only thing that would "hold" a bengal would be a predator.

Do Bengals require special care?

Bengals do not require any special care. They need little to no grooming. Create a loving environment for your Bengal and you will be rewarded with a very loving and social companion for years to come.

What do I feed my bengal?

First of all lots of fresh clean water. You may find your bengal plays in this with their natural attraction to the water! We feed our Queens and kittens on Royal Canin Mother and Babycat biscuits. I soak these in some water as kittens sometimes have trouble keeping hydrated when they are young. I also feed them raw beef, lamb or veal (Jimbos is a good supermarket brand). They love to kill chicken necks and it gives them something to really get their teeth into but make sure you take it away before it spoils and gives them upset tummies. Fish is another favourite and tuna in springwater (not oil). Kitten sachets like whiskers are fine as well but make sure you are feeding your Bengal kitten food until it is a year old as this gives it all the nutrients it needs to help it to grow.

Indoor or outdoor?

This is totally dependant on your living situation but if they are going to be indoor cats then they will need a lot stimulation. Bengals are very active and intelligent cats so I recommend a lot of toys and cat towers and shelves things it can climb on, they instinctually like to be high. You will need to spend some time playing with them everyday.

The stuffed fish that have a motion sensor in them that flap are great for bengals as well my cats love theirs. If they are allowed out I suggest that you lock them in at night. This keeps them safe and also stops the fighting with other cats at night, Bengals are very territorial and will defend their space.

I strongly recommend registering your Bengal on the Companions Regsiter which is national wide. Bengals have been known to be stolen or climb into cars so if your bengal is scanned at any vet or animal shelter in the country it will come up as yours and they will make contact.